Views on Topic

1. View on abolishing the Planning Commission.
Sir, I think there is need to evaluate and restructure every organisation as circustances change. The Planning Commission has a distinguished past. The question that is posed now is about its relevance in the current circumstances. It would be useful to anlayse which of these functions remain relevant and which of them can be discarded or transferred to other authorities within the government. The planning commission needed mending not ending. There could be many consequence of its abolition. We should wait till the new announcement of government regarding new institution or changes in planning commission.
....Balvir Kumar
2. View on PM Narendra Modi emergence.
Sir, India is a democratic country and power transition here occured on basis of people's reaction. Last UPA Government somehow been failed on people's aspiration. They started realizing same by scams like coal scam, 2G scam and Modi's assurance of economic growth and education development turned people's aspiration towards Modiji. It became visible after election result.
....Balvir Kumar
3. What do you think about the Women's issue in India?
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4. Could you through some light on the Political scenario prevailing in Bihar?
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5. What is your view on Naxalism, Do you have any idea to overcome on this?
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6. Could you analyse the PM Narendra Modi works till now, DO you have any suggestion to him?
PM Modi works till now is symbolising the development. From the very fast day his dedication strarted showing, He had set up the SIT committee to probe the black money cases. His launched new program like swachh bharat abhiyan and Make in India showing good sign of india's development. PM foreign policy brought many outcome for the nation economic development.We got assurance of investment by japan, China, US and other countries. It will take time to feel outcome as time passes. So we should have positive hope as like his intention shows. Yes i realised one program must be added to the PM Modi's great India program, That is program for the development or rural areas. Except the SAGY there is no any concrete program for the rural development. Here improvement can be expected.
7. What do you think about India's foreign policy. Activism in foreign policy by PM Modi can help India if yes then how?
India's proactive and innovative approach to foreign policy that is aligned with accelerating national economic development. India needs access to capital, technology, resources, energy , markets and skills; a secure environment, a peaceful neighbourhood and a stable world; and an open ans stable global trading system. India's approach also rooted to global engagement and peaceful co-existence and dictated by the evolving imperatives of globalised world. in the tenure of 8 months by PM Modi somehow it has been fulfilling the required aspiration of India. India is taking pivot role in regional as well as global platform. The change in norms of WTO TFA is one result of same.
.....Balvir Kumar
8. India and Its neighbour SAARC countries policy.
India posses a good and friendly relationship with all neighbour countries. After being Narendra Modi PM, It is being shown activism role. Modi's first visit to Bhutan shows the India's dedication towards neighbour countries. As a being a greatest economic and military power among SAARC countries, It is also duty of India to take proactive role for the betterment of SAARC countries. Except Pakistan we have good social and trade relation with all neighbour countries.
.....Balvir Kumar
9. Is Islamic state a threat to india internal security and secular fabric?
Recent arrest of mehadi as IS cyber militant shows the presence of IS in india, which is definitely a serious threat for india's security dilemma. IS is popular for the radical islamic extremism. And country like India where many religion live happily it is a problematic situation. But owing to lack of conformity from IS group the real scene is still not clear. Activism of our security agency can prohibit from being widened. So It is high time government took active role against this militant extremist.
.....Balvir Kumar

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